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Growth & Learning

Developing a culture of growth and learning requires significant change in your mindset and your enviorment. Taking charge and moving towards this change is a tricky thing; it's really about understanding yourself and your goals through your learning, looking past the anxiety and emotions that may come from change, and creating an environment where specific thoughts and expiriences lead you to your end goal. My innovation project will take time and patience to be completely implemented. By having a growth mindset and consistently coming back to my manifesto I will be able to reach my goals and grow throughout the process. 

The following ideas are essential to growing a growth mindset and successful change through technology implementation:


1. Move your mindeset towards that of a Growth Mindset where challenges are not only expected, but are also fully accepted and taken advantage of. By growing a growth mindset you are changing the enviorment of your learning and subsequently the success of your goals. To learn more about the Growth Mindset check out some of the resources below: 


“If I know what love is, it is because o

2. Identify why you are doing what your are doing by developing your leanring manifesto. Read the following to learn more about my own manifesto:


3. Find your people. By interacting with others through Personal Learning Networks (PLN's) you are not only growing your influence, but you can also learn from those around you. Personal Learning Networks let you share what you have to contribute and also take what you need from others. To learn more about some of the Personal Leanring Networks I am involved in check out some of the links below:​


4. Continue development and communication. It takes a self-differentiated leader to lead organizational change effectively, to have the hard conversations. The book Crucial Conversations lays out a way for leaders to have these conversations. To learn more read the blog posts below: 

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